Download BEAM*2022

Accept Terms of Use

We will not share your name and email address. They are only for our internal use in this project, so we can understand this website’s audience and use.


Terms of Use

You must agree to the Terms of Use below prior to downloading BEAM*2022. To agree, click the button at left.

Then you will be asked to make a contribution ($0 - $800) that supports the continuation of this website and the ongoing process of reviewing and updating the spreadsheet model.

When you’ve completed the above steps, you will be directed to download the spreadsheet. Do so right away.

We will send a follow-up email with the spreadsheet protection password, which is not necessary for routine use of BEAM*2022, but may be helpful if you want to read internal equations and/or modify anything.

You agree to the following:

Use of BEAM*2022 should honor the original intent of CCME. These Terms of Use are designed to be consistent with the CCME intent, as stated in the original BEAM User Guide (CCME, 2009).

1) The original BEAM v1.1 model remains the property of CCME.                                    
2)  As with BEAM v1.1 , the BEAM*2022 is intended to be freely and publicly available for non-proprietary use.                                 
3)  By agreement with CCME, NEBRA and Northwest Biosolids have created BEAM*2022, which may be adapted to local needs, as long as BEAM*2022 is cited using the recommended citation below.
4) The authors, producers, and funders – including NEBRA and Northwest Biosolids – are not liable for any losses or harm caused by use of the spreadsheet model and other documents and information provided on this website. Use is at your own risk.
5) The BEAM*2022 model that you download here is for your individual or team use and is not to be forwarded in spreadsheet form to anyone outside your team. You may share PDFs and images (screen shots) of your BEAM*2022 work, but not the spreadsheet itself. Anyone interested in obtaining the spreadsheet model should be referred to this website (
6) We recommend that, when you use BEAM*2022 for your calculations, you create a copy of the spreadsheet and label it something different. We recommend this file-naming format: [author]-[utility/municipality]-BEAM*2022Calculations-v.[number.number]-[dateMONTHyear].xlsx. Keep a copy of your original unaltered download, so you have it for future use or as a backup. You will not be able to return here for another download without going through payment again.

Recommended citation:
North East Biosolids and Residuals Association (NEBRA), Northern Tilth LLC, and Northwest Biosolids, 2022. Estimating greenhouse gas emissions from biosolids management. BEAM*2022 spreadsheet model and supporting information, Accessed ______ [insert date].